Excruciatingly melancholy
Yesterday and Today I cannot feel you, I cannot feel your warm embrace and kisses but my heart still beats, it says I’m still alive, Excruciatingly melancholy, but I’m still alive until I can feel you again.
Loneliness mock me in colder night, Silence kill me without your breath, Distance numb me, Till we meet again…
I will be waiting for that …

it doesn't matter where we'll go, in each other's arms will always be the best place on earth.
Loneliness mock me in colder night, Silence kill me without your breath, Distance numb me, Till we meet again…
I will be waiting for that …
In the distance I hear the rain and I think of you. I think of a hot and sparkling summer and I think of a road trip, just you and me. Just me and you. we will only take a backpack full of food and a heart full of love and we will go. Go far away from the world. We will travel all day long through abandoned fields and crowded cities. By the side of the road we will picnic and enjoy the weather. we will talk a lot and laugh all the time and we will get to know each other better than we konw ourselves. at the end of the day you will kiss me good night and we will fall asleep under the stars and the moon, in each other's arms. and after weeks of traveling we will find the truth.

it doesn't matter where we'll go, in each other's arms will always be the best place on earth.
and I will be waiting for that ...
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